"MOSS: Multiple Orthogonal Strand System"
This presentation describes a dual approach which is comprised of "virtual boundary layer"-like near-body grid coupled with an off-body Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) far-field mesh for viscous fluids simulations. Unlike most a priori grid generation systems for the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations, the "strand" meshing paradigm is automatic, fast and requires little memory in order to provide boundary-layer coverage. In addition, the stacks of elements implied by the strands can be used to the simulation's advantage, where they naturally provide a line direction for semi-implicit solving.
Philip Caplan's Presentation:
"Anisotropic quadrangulation for high-order computational fluid dynamics"
Mesh adaptation is crucial when solving partial differential equations with high-order discretisations. The purpose of this work is to develop an anisotropic quadrilateral mesh generator with the intent of extending the framework to hexahedral mesh generation.