Maks J Groom
Undergraduate Student, MIT
"A Mid-Fidelity Numerical Framework for Efficient Prediction of Propeller-Wing Interaction Noise"
ABSTRACT: Aerodynamic noise is an important design consideration for many aircraft, including Urban Air Mobility (UAM) systems that are expected to operate in particularly close proximity to people. This talk introduces a mid-fidelity framework for predicting farfield tonal noise from unsteady wake-body interactions that may occur in UAM systems, using a panel-vortex particle method coupled with the Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings (FW-H) aeroacoustic analogy. Predictions for an isolated propeller benchmark case are presented to validate the method against experimental and numerical results, and the method is then applied to a simple propeller-wing interaction problem.
BIO: Maks Groom is a second year undergraduate majoring in mathematics. He is interested in numerical analysis and differential equations with applications to fluid dynamics.
Runda Ji
CFD Application Engineer, Flexcompute
"Comparison between automated rotor analysis tools: high-fidelity CFD simulation with automatic meshing, blade element theory, and momentum theory"
ABSTRACT: We introduce a novel workflow to simplify and accelerate the traditional high-fidelity rotor simulations by integrating (1) parameterized CAD preparation (2) automated mesh generation and (3) ultra-fast high-fidelity CFD solver into an end-to-end process.
We quantify the limitations, under certain circumferences, of the momentum theory and the blade element theory (BET) to demonstrate the advantage of running such high-fidelity CFD simulations. Using Xrotor, BET and our high-fidelity CFD solver, we investigate the XV-15 tiltrotor at two different flight conditions: (1) airplane propeller mode in forward flight and (2) helicopter hovering mode, where the limitations of the momentum theory and BET could cause potential design failure. A major cause for this is the tip vortex of the preceding blade.
BIO: Runda Ji is a CFD Application Engineer at Flexcompute and he is primarily working on parameterized geometry and automatic surface/volume mesh generation.