The Aerosciences department at Sandia is in the midst of a transition from RANS based modeling to deploying DES/Hybrid RANS-LES/LES based modeling in support of full system level activities. With recent improvements and the push towards exa-scale computing, Sandia is pushing for these methods, applied so far to unit-level and sub- system level problems, to be applied to full system level problems. This however, requires significant challenges to be overcome over the next few years. This talk will provide an overview of some of the activities being carried out at Sandia to enable this transition. Two problems in particular, a) modeling of supersonic jets in transonic cross-flows and, b) modeling of flow dynamics and Fluid Structure Interactions of stores in captive-carriage in cavities will be used to illustrate these efforts. The talk will provide an overview of the activities with respect to numerics, turbulence modeling and uncertainty quantification being carried out at Sandia. Major issues pertinent to these problems along with some details of currently applied methods to address these issues and gaps in the current technology that need to be addressed in order to enable this transition will be discussed. It is hoped that this talk will provide the basis for stimulating discussions on research possibilities in areas relevant to this overall challenge.
Transonic Turbulent flow Modeling Efforts at Sandia
28 March 2014
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Transonic Turbulent flow Modeling Efforts at Sandia
Srinivasan Arunajatesan
Mathew Barone
Jeffrey Payne
Aerosciences Department
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM